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Agenda, November 8, 2007
Notice of Meeting

You are hereby notified that the Salem Conservation Commission will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, November 8, 2007 at 6:00 pm at City Hall Annex, Room 313, 120 Washington Street.

                                                                                               Kevin P. Cornacchio,
                                                                                               Conservation Commission Chairman
Tentative Agenda:

Meeting Minutes—October 25

Request for Determination of Applicability—The City of Salem 120 Washington Street.  The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the repair of existing granite steps leading to the beach located within a coastal beach, coastal bank, and land subject to tidal action, which is located off of Ocean Ave.

Continuation of a Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—DEP #64-470 —Stephen Lovely 1 Parallel Street Lot A.  The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the construction of a portion of a single family dwelling, driveway, grading, and utilities at 1 Parallel Street, Lot A. The proposed project will be located within the 100-foot buffer zone.   

Continuation of a Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—DEP #64-469 —Stephen Lovely 1 Parallel Street Lot B.  The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the construction of a portion of a single family dwelling, driveway, grading, and utilities at 1 Parallel Street, Lot B. The proposed project will be located within the 100-foot buffer zone.   

Continuation of a Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—DEP #64-468—Stephen Lovely 1 Parallel Street Lot C.  The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the construction of a portion of a single family dwelling, driveway, grading, and utilities at 1 Parallel Street, Lot C. The proposed project will be located within the 100-foot buffer zone.   

Request for an Amendment to Existing Order of Conditions—DEP #64-396— Massachusetts Electric Company d/b/a National Grid, 25 Research Drive, Westborough, MA 01582.  The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the proposed amendments to a previously approved Order of Conditions (DEP #64-396), which includes the removal of less than 100 cubic yards of shallow sediment from tidal flats from northern section of the site located in Collins Cove adjacent to the Coastal Beach at  20 Pierce Avenue.

Old /New Business
·       Notice of Project Change DEP #64-417 18 Freeman Road
·       Request for Certificate of Compliance DEP #64-422 60 Bay View Ave
·       Discuss Commission’s purchase of Wetlands Map from DEP
·       Update on method to track submittal of annual reports